Welcome to the MoSafeRx Training!

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Why should I take this training?
Thousands of people are impacted each year by the misuse of prescription drugs, whether it be their own personal use or use by family and friends. It is important to understand the risks of prescription drug misuse and how to prevent misuse. This training can help you to recognize the signs of prescription drug misuse and learn how to provide resources to someone who needs them. Talking about misuse may be uncomfortable, but this conversation is crucial if you suspect someone you know may be misusing prescription medications.
There are alternative ways to manage pain that don’t involve prescription medications. Additionally, quality sleep is a contributing factor to pain management and overall well-being. This training will discuss both alternative pain management techniques and tips for good sleep.
One major concern with prescription drug misuse is the possibility of overdose. Overdoses are preventable; it is important to be able to recognize the signs of an opioid overdose and respond. Learning how to administer naloxone can save a life if someone is experiencing an opioid overdose. Learn the legal immunities provided by Missouri’s Good Samaritan Law.
This training will cover:
- Scope of the opioid crisis and prescription drug misuse
- Risks of prescription drug misuse
- How you can prevent prescription drug misuse
- How to recognize the signs of prescription drug misuse
- How to have a conversation about prescription drug misuse
- Alternative pain management techniques
- Tips for good sleep
- How to recognize and respond to an opioid overdose
- Where to get naloxone, when to use it, and how to administer it
- Information about Missouri’s Good Samaritan Law
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