Welcome to the Party Safe training!
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Why should I take this training?
A party can be a great time for everyone involved. It's an opportunity to spend time with friends and meet new people. But a party that started as a good time can end badly for everyone involved if you’re not prepared to host responsibly.
Party Safe will increase your skills and knowledge in planning and hosting a successful, fun, and safe event of any kind. It will help you avoid problems and know how to deal with them if they arise. This training will cover:
- General party/event planning
- Alcohol and your responsibilities
- Preventing and dealing with issues and emergencies
After this training, you will be given the opportunity to take a final quiz. This consists of ten multiple choice questions and you must pass this quiz with at least 80% correct score. You will be given the opportunity to retake the quiz as many times as you may need. The more time you spend reading and interacting with the material in the sections, the better prepared you will be for the final quiz.
Let's get started!
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