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Missouri Suicide Prevention Coalition Academy

Suicide Prevention Coalition Funding Application

The Missouri Department of Mental Health in partnership with the Missouri Suicide Prevention Network (MSPN) and Missouri Partners in Prevention are pleased to announce funding applications for eligible suicide prevention coalitions! Details and FAQ about the applications are included below. Please contact Jennifer DeLett Snyder at Jennifer.DeLettSnyder@dmh.mo.gov

Click here to submit a funding application!

Funding Amount

Up to a $10,000 award for community suicide prevention coalitions (only one application per entity annually)

Award Period

December 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025. Applications are due November 15th, 2024.


All applicants must be an existing suicide prevention coalition who has attended the Missouri Suicide Prevention Coalition Academy and subsequent year-long Community of Practice or must have been in existence for at least two years. Missouri Statewide Prevention Network registration is also a condition of this award.

To learn more and become an MSPN Registered Coalition visit mospn.org

Proposal Required Elements

Applicants shall use funding to address suicide prevention and build capacity by developing and strengthening a community’s skills, abilities, and resources.

The following elements are required to be included in all proposals:

Application Deadline

The application deadline is November 15, 2024. The anticipated start date for project proposals is December 1st, 2024.

Will my coalition be given up to $10,000 outright?

In short, no. Your coalition will work with Missouri Partners in Prevention to submit requests and receive reimbursement for costs. In some cases, Missouri Partners in Prevention may pay for the item/service directly and 'deduct' the cost from your alloted funding budget.

How do I submit an application?

You can submit an application by clicking on the link above titled "click here to submit a funding application!" All required fields are included in this form, but if you would like to receive a word draft copy for planning and outline before submitting the application, please contact Jennifer DeLett Snyder at Jennifer.DeLettSnyder@dmh.mo.gov or Margo Leitschuh at leitschuhm@missouri.edu or download a word version here.

What costs can the funding be used for?

The following are allowable costs:

The folllowing are unallowable costs:

What else do I need to know about applying for this funding?

The coalition shall keep financial records of all expenses and maintain them for six years. This includes receipts, invoices, statements, and other documentation.

Written approval is required prior to any budget adjustments. Failure to obtain prior approval may result in suspension of the funding or not receiving approval of the expenditure.

Thirty days after the conclusion of program activities (no later than July 1), each funded program must submit to Missouri Department of Mental Health a Final Program Report. Failure to submit this report will result in loss of funding for future programming.

How do I apply to become a registered coalition with MSPN?

If you are interested in registering your coalition with MSPN please visit their website to learn more about the Community Coalition Registration Process.