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Substance Use Disorders

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A substance use disorder (SUD) is a disorder that impacts a persons’ brain, body, and behavior. With a SUD, symptoms are present indicating that an individual will continue using a substance despite significant problems.

An important characteristic of a substance use disorder is an underlying change in brain circuits, particularly in individuals with severe disorders.

Substance use disorders are considered brain disorders.

It is important to note that the word addiction is not used as a diagnostic term in the classification of a substance use disorder.5

Symptoms of a substance use disorder include5

  1. Using more than intended (higher quantity, more frequently or over a longer period of time than intended)
  2. Increasing tolerance (i.e., needing more of the substance to feel the same effect)
  3. Withdrawal symptoms
  4. Wanting to reduce use or stop use, but not being able to
  5. Craving for the substance
  6. Giving up important activities because of substance use
  7. Continuing to use despite danger
  8. Inability to manage commitments due to substance use
  9. Spending lots of time obtaining, using, and/or recovering from use
  10. Continuing to use despite negative consequences in relationships
  11. Continuing to use despite making physical or psychological problems worse

Substance use disorders can be mild (2-3 symptoms), moderate (4-5 symptoms), or severe (6+ symptoms).

Knowledge check:

Do substance use disorders impact the brain? Why or why not?

Published by Partners in Prevention. All rights reserved.
G202 MU Student Center, Columbia, MO 65211
Funding for this project was provided by the Missouri Department of Mental Health
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